
Friday, January 8, 2010

Pro Blogger - Secrets For Blogging Your Way to a Six Figure Income

I just finished reading ProBlogger-Secrets for blogging your way to a six figure income written by Darren Rowse and Chris Garret. As an experienced blogger and owner of a popular blog directory I have read many books on the subject of blogging. This book is way up at the top of the list if not at the very top. The book really focuses on what the title suggests, how to make money by blogging.

What I like most about the book is that there is absolutely no filler material. Everything that is written is useful pertinent information. For example, in other blogging books I have read they will spend 30 pages explaining what a blog is, how it was invented, etc. In this the book the author spends about one page on the basics and then dives right in to telling us how we can make money. They discuss two main ways, direct monetization like advertising and indirect monetization like getting a book deal. They provided me with money making ideas that I never even considered. I also like how they explain blogging as a small business, and you have to follow the same steps any small business owner would in order to be successful. I also like how they stress that blogging for money takes a lot of hard work and dedication. They explain how blogging is by no means a get rich quick scheme.

In closing I highly recommend this book to any blogger at any level assuming you have passed the basic stage and have your blog up and running already.

Dan Keller is professional blogger and runs the Blog Directory called Submit my Blog He also runs a Green Directory where bloggers can submit their "eco" or "green" related blogs and websites.

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